Monday, September 7, 2009

Love Your Enemies

Blessings beloved,

It came to me to share with you a most valuable lesson that literally changed my life.  It changed the way I view my enemies, although sometimes it is still a struggle for me to actually put the command "love your enemies" into practical application.

Let me share with you a story of how, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, I learned about loving my enemy.

I was stationed in the Republic of Panama in 1995.  My assignment was mixed with both military and civilian people.  One particular woman just did not like me from day one.  She felt that I was sent to the base to get rid of her job.  She also did not like to be disciplined and openly rebelled against me both verbally and by e-mails sent throughout the command.

This persecution went on for some time and I really wrestled in my heart because my feelings toward her were definitely not Christ like.  I felt myself continuously bitter and angry and taking every waking moment to think about how I could "get" her.

As I was praying one afternoon after returning home from work, the holy spirit led me to the scripture "love your enemy".  I tried to ignore the scripture and justify my anger and by this time hatred toward this woman.  I simply could not.  So, I prayed very openly and honestly with my heavenly Father.  I actually said to Him, "Lord, your word says to love our enemies.  I hate this woman and cannot find it in me to pray for her or love her at all.  However, I want to be obedient to your word.  I want to do your word.  So, please help me to love this woman so that your name may be glorified." 

A couple of days later I decided to take a day off.  I ran into someone from the office and they informed me that this woman's birthday was the day I took off!!!!!!!!  The first thing I saw was a bouquet of roses.  I said "Oh no Lord!!! ".  However, the Holy Spirit led me right to the flower shop.  When I arrived there, I saw some carnations.  The Holy Spirit nudged me again that I was to buy her a dozen roses.  I thought to myself "okay, I'll just leave them on her desk with a nice card." 

Well, God has a great sense of humor.  I figured she wouldn't be at her desk, so I purposely went to the office at the time I thought she would be gone.  Sure enough, she was there!!!!!!!!!!!!   I took a deep breath and gave her the roses.  I said to her, "I know that you really don't like me.  I want to be a true Christian, so I prayed and asked the Lord how to deal with you.  Happy birthday."  She was floored.  She began to weep and apologize and thank me over and over.

Needless to say, by the time she transferred from the command, she sat in my office and stated "Lieutenant, I love you and you are really a true Christian.  God bless you!"  Well, this time I was floored.

What I hope you take away is that we really have to rely upon Gods strength to do what He asks us to do.  It is not easy.  Also, be willing to humble yourself and be led by the Holy Spirit as He directs you in your difficult situation with your enemy. 

Remember beloved, read the back of the book.  WE WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until next time,

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Soon to be wife Mother of two Navy veteran